13th WFAP Graduate Conference

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Wait, what?!

A Graduate Conference on Nonsense and Category Mistakes

Nonsense is a kind of a failure of engaging in rational discourse that seems more fundamental than saying a mere falsehood — to utter nonsense is to have failed to say anything at all. This year’s graduate conference aims to bring together early career and advanced researchers in order to discuss questions such as: How is an illusion of sense even possible? How can one distinguish nonsense from sense? How do different theories of meaning account for nonsense? Are there distinct kinds of nonsense, e.g. gibberish, category mistakes, ambiguities etc., or are all cases of nonsense due to the same kind of transgression? What is nonsense’s role in philosophical theorizing, both as a target of criticism and as an argumentative device? Does nonsense occur in ordinary discourse or is it a phenomenon that is particular to philosophical theorizing?

July 4 – 6, 2024

Clare Mac Cumhaill (Durham) & Rachael Wiseman (Liverpool)
Ofra Magidor (Oxford)
Adrian Moore (Oxford)

Find the full programme here.

Lecture Halls 3F & 3A, Neues Instititutsgebäude (NIG), University of Vienna
1010 Vienna, Universitätsstrasse 7, 3rd floor

The conference will be held in a hybrid format at the University of Vienna. Anyone who wants is welcome to join in person. Everyone who is interested can also join via Zoom (just email martin.niederl(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)univie.ac.at for the link).