1st WFAP Graduate Conference

1st WFAP Graduate Conference
“Nothing but the Truth”

March 9-11, 2012

Topic: Theories of Truth

Keynote speakers:
Leon Horsten (Bristol)
Paul Horwich (New York University)
Jeffrey Ketland (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy/Edinburgh)

This event was kindly supported by the research group “Philosophie der Sprache, Symbole und Medien” at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna.

Statements about the first WFAP Graduate Conference

I think your conference did much for analytical philosophy in Austria. I think your Forum for Analytical Philosophy is a fantastic initiative. I enjoyed the conference immensely. I was very impressed by the depth of knowledge of the material and by the incisive questions and comments by the Austrian hosts and members of the WFAP. In most high profile research institutions of analytical philosophy, one expects this only of the best PhD students. Here it turned out (to my surprise) that they were mostly MA students, and they have taught each other the existing theories concerning the problems of the conference. Impressive …
— Leon Horsten

The papers presented at “Nothing but the Truth” were at a very high level; discussion of them was lively and valuable; criticism was invariably constructive; the overall tone was friendly; there were an impressive number of students in attendance; and the organization and hospitality provided by the organizers were impeccable. I myself benefited a great deal from having participated. Leo and his colleagues are to be congratulated and thanked for their hard work, good judgment, light touch, professionalism, and dedication to the subject.
— Paul Horwich