12th WFAP Graduate Conference

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A Graduate Conference on Attention and Salience

Attention and salience help to guide us through an otherwise cluttered world. Attention directs us either consciously or unconsciously to certain agents, objects, features and events while salience determines what appears to us as striking. This year’s conference aims to tackle questions such as: What constitutes different forms of attention and salience? What is the role of attention and salience in guiding our actions and communication? What are the epistemic, social and ethical underpinnings of attention and salience?

July 6-8, 2023

Susanna Siegel (Harvard University)
Ella Whiteley (London School of Economics)
Cathy Mason (Central European University)

Find the full programme here.

Lecture Hall 3F & 3D, Neues Instititutsgebäude (NIG), University of Vienna
1010 Vienna, Universitätsstrasse 7, 3rd floor

The conference will be held in a hybrid format at the University of Vienna. Anyone who wants is welcome to join in person (only after registration; in-person attendance capacity is limited). Everyone who is interested can also join via Zoom.

Attendance of the conference is free, but participants are asked to register by e-mail to martin.niederl(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)univie.ac.at. Please state if you want to attend in person (and on which days) or via Zoom.